Stop arms sales to genocidal regimes
At a gathering Israeli Blue and White party leader Gantz was giving a speech in which he stated that the State of Israel should not be dealing with racist regimes and also should stop the sell of arms with genocidal regimes. Gantz has stated that the State of Israel is a moral country and a moral people that should not be legitimizing racist or genocidal regimes. It was not clear who he was specifically talking about but Prime Minister Netanyahu has been accused to doing dealings with government leaders such as Bolsonaro from Brazil, Duterte from the Philippines, and Prime Minister Viktor Orban from Hungary who all of those leaders have not had good political track records. Gantz also emphasized that Israel should not be selling arms to genocidal governments, Israel has been accused of selling arms to genocidal governments such as the 1994 Rwanda genocide and giving military services to the apartheid government in South Africa. Gantz also stated that they should strive to keep unity in Israel. Gantz himself is also struggling to get a coalition government up and running in the Knesset.
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